Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Secret Santa

About 7 years ago my family got in touch with a service organization providing a Christmas to families that did not have enough money to do so. This family lived about 45 minutes away from us but for close to a month prior to Christmas our family started making plans so that on Christmas Eve everything would run smoothly. We put together a basket of food and wrapped perhaps a dozen presents for the single mother and her 4 children. To this day I still remember delivering this “Christmas” to an unknown family. The lady spoke only Spanish so my older sister was our interpreter. I didn’t need to understand each and every word. The tears were enough for me to understand that this mother was grateful for what we were doing.
Despite living in Happy Valley, there are some families who will not be able to have a Christmas of their own. The goal of Sub-For-Santa (combined with the United Way) is to help at least a handful of families to have a true merry Christmas. The planning begins now. I don’t mean to depress anyone by talking about Christmas at the beginning of November, but now is the time to start preparing. Volunteers are needed in November and in the beginning of December to help with the application process at workshops. It is a very well organized and uplifting organization that is ready to act. The contact information is below, but give a call or send off an e-mail to see if you can fit a bit of service in your schedule.

Allie Dixon, Program Director, (801) 814-0759

1 comment:

  1. That's a really cool organization. Thanks for your blog! Great ideas!
