Monday, October 25, 2010

Snow Angels

Well. According to something bad is going to happen tomorrow. White, moist, fluffy balls are supposedly going to fall from the sky. As a born and raised Southern California boy, I don’t see too much of it. It is called snow. Pros of snow: it covers up our lawn that could be receiving better maintenance. Cons: it is cold and makes for a barricade between my front door and the rest of the world. Well for those of you who do enjoy the snow, there happens to be a service group that you can get involved with. They are the Snow Angels.
The Snow Angels are a seasonal service organization that operates every time that there is snowfall. Volunteers shovel snow on driveways and sidewalks for the elderly, physically disabled, or others who can not do it on their own. Students are assigned 1-3 driveways/sidewalks and are responsible for clearing off their assigned areas after each snowfall. Shovels and salt for ice are either provided by the organization itself or the homes of those receiving the service.
Don’t get intimidated by the physical labor. It’s fun. You can be helping others while having a snowball fight with your friends. Now that we are approaching the unavoidable snow season, join the club.

Contact Information:
Nick Vigil or Kailey Johnson
yserve page: and search under the organization “Snow Angels”


  1. That is a really cool organization. I had no idea anything like that existed.

  2. I agree with Ariele!

    I also really like that photo of the snow angel. Do you know how they made it look like that? It's SO beautiful!

  3. that's interesting! I like the oddly makes me excited for it to start snowing...
