Monday, November 29, 2010

Locks of Love

            As a freshman at BYU, I tried so hard to find a way around the honor code with the length of my hair. I refused to get it cut. I would blow dry my hair up on the side and back and put hair spray on it so that it would not fall down just so that I could avoid cutting my hair. I lasted nearly an entire semester before even the blow drying lost its complete effect and I was forced to cut my hair. Well putting together this service blog I think I found a way around it.
            Locks of Love is a service organization that connects financially disadvantaged children with BYU students on a hair level. Students are allowed to donate their hair twice per year to children who suffer from long term medical hair loss. All you do is grow your hair out nice and long, then contact a Locks of Love Program Director to find a place to get it cut. Local hair salons donate their time and services to cut and style the hair of volunteers so that they do not look like prison inmates when they get a haircut. If I understand this right I bet a student could obtain temporary permission to grow their hair and style is conservatively in order to donate.
            This organization is for both men and women. Girl-long hair is maybe a bit more useable, but extra long hair is not necessary. Especially now that Christmas Break is approaching, avoid the hair clippers. It is the holiday season for hair too. You can even donate it to a respectable cause upon return to BYU campus.
            To participate, first don’t get a haircut. Second, stop by the YServe office in the Wilkinson Center in front of Jamba Juice. There you will receive the contact information to the program directors, or go to the yserve website at and browse for Locks of Love under organizations.
                                            You can put a smile on a child's face!

1 comment:

  1. My wife is soon to donate her locks with love. While I love her hair long, I'm proud of her!
