Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Scavenging for Service

Hey everybody!  This actually isn't Michael Nelson, but by his gracious invitation this is guest blogger Juni Kim.  I'm sure most of you out there no next to nothing about me, but that's the beauty of writing over the internet.  Suffice to say I'm a good friend of Michael's. 

A few weeks ago our family home evening activity was a service scavenger hunt.  I know that sounds a little confusing.  What we did was go around knocking on doors asking if we could do small acts of service that we would tally up for points at the end of the night.  Sounds great right?  I have to admit going around knocking on doors brought flashes of missionary service back to my mind.

Anyways, I was surprised at the number of people that let us into their houses and clean random bits of their house.  Quite incredible really.  I mean, it's not exactly proper protocol to let random strangers into your house.  But I guess that's the beauty of service; it brings out the best of people.  Our little group's eagerness to serve (and earn points towards winning the scavenger hunt) literally opened up doors to us.  In my mind, accepting a stranger's willingness to serve is service in itself.  Like I said, really remarkable.

There's such an interesting paradox when it comes to service.  Whenever we forget ourselves and help out others, we end up gaining benefit from it.  Everyone wins in the spirit of service.  It just takes that initial action to get out there and help others.  Well, it's been great to take part of this blog, hope you took something from it.  Remember to always love from the bottom of your heart to the tips of your toes!-Juni Kim

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