Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dear John

Dear John,
  You know ever since you went into the MTC I have been missing you greatly. You were such a great friend and I am glad you are serving the Lord. I am so close to you here at BYU but it feels like you are in a completely different world. I wish I could see you one last time before you left to South Africa…
  Does anyone have a friend/family member who recently reported to the Missionary Training Center in Provo? Well it just works out that it is possible to see them again, but with a price. You need to sign up as a VOLUNTEER!!!
  Every week, missionaries have practice teaching sessions where volunteers are given a role to play and the missionaries teach to their needs at a place called the Teaching Resource Center (TRC). As a missionary it is one of the most stressful moments of the week teaching someone who isn’t a fellow missionary. It is a sneak peak of the “real world” for them, but a powerful experience for those who volunteer. Just the ability to be one on one with missionaries teaching about Jesus Christ is something pretty cool.
  The TRC needs volunteers on a constant basis. Monday-Saturday from 8AM-8:30 PM the TRC is open with missionaries ready to practice their teaching skills. The MTC houses over 2,000 missionaries and not all will be speaking English. Volunteers are needed in over 40 languages.
  This past Friday I volunteered in Spanish for 2 hours that I had available in the morning. After about an hour of volunteering I saw a good friend of mine’s little brother who I was able to say hi to and sneak him a Nutty Bar. It was nothing planned, just a random coincidence that I saw this missionary. Please don’t go just to see a special friend. Do it more out of the goodness of your heart solely based on your own schedule.
  To sign up go to http://www.mtc.byu.edu/ and click on the link that says “Volunteers”. Follow the given steps, submitting the language you would like to speak and the best time for you. It doesn’t need to be for 6 hours at a time, but whatever amount of time that you allot.


  1. Awesome! Thank you for this post. I have always wanted to know how to get involved volunteering at the MTC but I never took the time to figure out how to do it. You present this post so well, I like the dear john intro, haha. Thanks again!

  2. I had a friend volunteer to be an investigator for a language he didn't speak too well, so it turned out to be a disaster, it was a crack up

  3. This is a great post! I need to do this...I just am scared to talk on the phone!
