Monday, October 25, 2010

What's Black and White and Red all Over?

So this past week I had an intramural basketball game. As we were warming up I saw this 6 foot something guy with a green band on his right elbow…playing basketball. Moral of the story…I guess giving blood isn’t as bad as people say.
A happy guy donating blood
What seems like every week in the Wilk Garden area the Red Cross teams up with BYU service organizations to have a blood drive. After filling out a brief questionnaire volunteers can give blood and help out those in need. If you want to give blood, go ahead and be my guest. But to organize a blood drive, you need more than just people giving blood. You need people volunteering in an array of different ways. To volunteer to help with the blood drive, you don’t have to be sticking people with needles. I would probably pass out on the spot. Volunteers are needed to hand out fliers, sit at booths, put up posters, and helping out the blood banks with whatever they need. For more information, send an e-mail to and find out how you can help out. There are always blood drives and constantly more volunteers are needed. The next drives are Nov. 15 and Dec. 1 so go ahead and sign up now.


  1. i love giving blood. something fun to do is to see how fast you can fill up the little bag, by squeezing the little stress ball as fast as you can. although, i think they recommend to avoid sternuous physical activity afterwards... but hey, to each his own.

  2. So I totally did that once in a blood bank. I got everyone going on a race to see who could fill up the bag as fast as possible. Well after about 3 minutes some guy started to faint so we figured it wasn't the best idea. but as you say, to each his own
